24 April 2012

Polusi Udara di Jakarta

Jakarta merupakan ibukota negara Republik Indonesia yang menjadi pusat dan kiblat dari semua daerah yang ada di dalamnya. Jakarta adalah kota yang paling sukses dan makmur dari kota-kota lainnya. Di balik kesuksesannya itu ternyata Jakarta memiliki segudang permasalahan yang menanti untuk diselesaikan.
Salah satu dari sekian banyak permasalahan itu terdapat masalah lingkungan. Lingkungan Jakarta kini sudah tidak asri dan nyaman untuk ditinggali. Udara Kota DKI Jakarta adalah udara yang termasuk terburuk di dunia yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan bagi para penduduknya. Lihat saja langit Jakarta yang semakin lama semakin kelam oleh Kabut Haze / Polusi yang dihasilkan dari aktifitas manusia yang tinggal di dalamnya.
Kabut udara yang menyelimuti kota Jakarta di pagi, siang, sore dan malam hari bukanlah kabut yang mengandung udara sejuk yang menyegarkan, namun merupakan kepulan kabut asap racun yang siap mengantar anda menuju rumah sakit dalam tempo cepat ataupun lambat. Kabut tersebut tentu saja tidak terjadi dengan sendirinya. Haze Polution tersebut diciptakan oleh manusia yang ada di sekitarnya baik disadari maupun tidak disadari.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa penyebab terjadi polusi di Jakarta beserta sedikit solusi untuk mengatasinya :
1. Asap Kendaraan Bermotor
Setiap harinya Kota DKI Jakarta melahirkan kendaraan bermotor baru yang tentu saja menambah volume gas buangan emisi kendaraan bermotor yang beracun serta berbahaya untuk dihirup oleh makhluk hidup pada umumnya. Untuk mengatasinya diperlukan pembatasan jumlah kendaraan bermotor secara adil untuk semua lapisan masyarakat, mewajibkan produsen mobil baru hanya menjual kendaraan bermotor berbahan bakar ramah lingkungan, mengganti kendaraan umum dengan yang ramah lingkungan, memperbanyak busway berbahan bakar bbg, menilang kendaraan bermotor yang mengeluarkan emisi berlebih serta menerapkan program bepergian dengan kendaraan umum atau sepeda.
2. Asap Emisi Gas Buangan Pabrik
Asap buangan pabrik yang nakal dapat mengandung racun yang berbahaya bagi manusia di sekitarnya. Asap pabrik dapat menyebar mengikuti arah angin sehingga sangat mungkin untuk jatuh dan terhirup oleh orang-orang yang berada di lingkungan perumahan sekitar pabrik. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah harus dengan secara ketat mengawasi hasil gas buangan setiap pabrik yang ada atau merelokasi pabrik ke daerah atau area khusus pabrik.
3. Pembakaran Sampah
Jakarta menghasilkan banyak sampah perhari yang harus dibuang ke suatu tempat yang jauh. Terkadang untuk menyusutkan kuantitas sampah yang ada, orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung-jawab melakukan bakar sampah yang menghasilkan asap yang meyesakkan dada dengan kepulan asap percampuran partikel-partikel racun. Di samping itu kegiatan bakar samaph beresiko untuk membesar dan turut menghanguskan bangunan yang aa di sekelilingknya. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalah ini harus disosialisasikan larangan pembakaran sampah kepada masyarakat dengan sanksi yang jelas dan membuat jera.
4. Gas Buangan Perusak Ozon
Sadarkah kita bahwa ternyata produk-produk yang kita pakai setiap hari ternyata mengandung zat yang merusak ozon? Banyak produk seperti parfum semprot, hair spray, ac, kulkas, mengandung bahan chlorofluorocarbon atau disingkat CFC (bukan California Fried Chicken). Apabila anda menggunakan botol semprot dengan bahan propellant aerosol dan lain sebagainya yang merusak lapisan ozon / o3 maka tolaklah dan jangan dibeli atau digunakan lagi. Pemerintah harus sigap dalam melarang produsen barang-barang untuk menggunakan dan menghasilkan produk yang beresiko tinggi dapat merusak ozon agar sinar ultra violet tidak dapat masuk secara langsung ke Indonesia.
Demikianlah opini saya untuk membantu Jakarta bebas dari polusi udara yang parah agar kita semua dapat hidup sehat tanpa udara yang mengandung racun berbahaya.
5. Asap Rokok
Didukung bukti yang kuat dari dunia sains dan kedokteran, mereka beralasan bahwa rokok adalah candu, asap rokok sangat membahayakan kesehatan (penyebab kanker) dan rakyat AS banyak yang meninggal gara-gara merokok. Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah negara bagian untuk menangani para pasien kanker akibat merokok sangat besar. Dengan alasan inilah mereka menuntut ganti rugi yang tidak sedikit. Karena ingin menghindari proses hukum yang lama dan berbelit-belit dan juga karena industri rokok ini takut jika terbukti bersalah di pengadilan mereka dipaksa membayar ganti rugi yang sangat besar jumlahnya, akhirnya mereka mengalah dan bersedia berdamai dengan memberikan settlement berupa uang ke masing-masing negara bagian yang mengajukan tuntutan.

Hal-hal untuk mengurangi polusi :
  1. Mengurangi jumlah mobil lalu lalang. Misalnya dengan jalan kaki, naik sepeda, kendaraan umum, atau naik satu kendaraan pribadi bersama teman-teman (car pooling).
  2. Selalu merawat mobil dengan seksama agar tidak boros bahan bakar dan asapnya tidak mengotori udara.
  3. Meminimalkan pemakaian AC. Pilihlah AC non-CFC dan hemat energi.
  4. Mematuhi batas kecepatan dan jangan membawa beban terlalu berat di mobil agar pemakaian bensin lebih efektif.
  5. Meminimalkan penggunaan bahan kimia.
  6. Membeli bensin yang bebas timbal (unleaded fuel).
  7. Memilih produk yang ramah lingkungan. Misalnya parfum non-CFC.
  8. Memakai plastik berulang kali. Sampah plastik sulit diurai dan kalau dibakar menimbulkan zat beracun.
  9. Tidak merokok.
  10. Memilah antara sampah basah dan sampah kering dan menyediakan tempat untuk keduanya.
  11. Memfotokopi secara bolak-balik atau memakai kertas yang sisinya masih kosong. Menghemat kertas berarti mengurangi penggundulan hutan. Bumi yang hijau dapat menyerap polusi lingkungan lebih baik.
  12. Menggunakan lampu dengan kapasitas yang tepat.
  13. Bila kita menggunakan kamar kecil, jangan lupa mematikan air setelah kita pakai. Ingat, semakin banyak air terbuang percuma berarti kita turut memboroskan sumber daya alam.
  14. Menghiasi rumah dan lingkungan dengan tanaman asli.
  15. Kalau toilet menggunakan pengharum ruangan, pilih yang tidak mengandung aerosol.
  16. Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan, terutama di sungai, selokan dan laut.
  17. Menggunakan lebih banyak barang-barang yang terbuat dari kaca/keramik, bukan plastik atau styrofoam.
  18. Sebisa mungkin menghindari menggunakan barang/produk dengan kemasan kecil (sachet) karena akan menambah jumlah sampah.
  19. Membiasakan menggosok gigi dengan menggunakan gelas, bukan menyalakan keran terus-menerus. Jangan sia-siakan air bersih.
  20. Sebisa mungkin menggunakan lap atau sapu tangan untuk menggantikan tisu yang terbuat dari kertas.
  21. Mengurangi belanja yang tidak perlu agar tidak menimbulkan sampah di kemudian hari.

Sumber :


23 April 2012

TUGAS Bahasa Inggris 2 - Noun Clause


Noun clause is a clause (i.e subject and verb) is used as a noun. Noun clause in the sentence is generally used as subject and object sentences.

Noun clauses can be initiated by:

  • Question word or relative pronoun question whether a single word or phrase:
* Single question word (i.e. when, how, what, ect.).
* Question word + determiner/ noun/ adjective / adverb.
* Question word + infinitive.
     *     Conjunction (i.e. whether dan if).
     *     That atau the fact that.

So the pattern of the noun clause is:

Question word/conjunction/that + subject + verb + …

A. Noun Clauses beginning with the words Question

In How to Address Questions were discussed about the use of the word good in making the information asked questions as well as in making the embedded questions. Embedded questions are noun clause. In this section provided additional examples to refresh your memory.

1. Single question words.

·  Where she is now is still unknown.
·  When they arrive is still uncertain.
·  I know what you did last summer and I still know what you did last summer are two Hollywood movies starred by Jennifer Love Hewitt. Note: in this sentence, noun clause what you did last summer became the object of I know and I still know, and when combined with: two Hollywood movies are starred by Jennifer Love Hewitt, a compound subject of the sentence.

Noun clauses can be placed at the beginning of a sentence (as subject) or as an object. If you want to change the position of the subject noun clause object sentences into sentences, it is usually necessary pronoun or a slightly modified words. The above example becomes:

·  It is still unknown where she is now.
·  Do you know when they arrive?
·  Two Hollywood movies starred by Jennifer Love Hewitt are I know what you did last summer and I still know what you did last summer. Because the title of movies, noun clause what you did last summer did not need to be rotated position.


a) clause is begins by a question of certain words (ie when, Whenever, where) it can also function as an adverbial clause.

Example :

·  I was reading a book when the phone rang.
·  I went to where I and my ex girlfriend had been last weekend.
·  I suddenly get nausea whenever I see his face.

b) Clause is begins by a question of certain words (ie who, whom, Whose + noun) can also serve as an adjective clause. In this case, said the real question is the relative pronoun. Well, do not mess around with the term. What is important you understand the pattern / structure of the sentence. But, if you are curious, please read the topic adjective clauses.

Example :

  • I think you whom Mr. Dodi was looking for.
·    Mr. Dodi, who is a teacher, was looking for you at school.
·    Rommy, whose book was stolen last week, just bought another new book  

2. Question words + ever/soever

Except how, at the end of question words can ever or soever be added Whenever = whensoever, whatever = whatsoever, and so on. Meaning here ever or soever the same, that it / was, living combined with a question word in front of him. Meanwhile, how + ever be however (ie adverb or also called transition words that mean yet / even if the case) are not included in this category.
Example :
·        We will accept whatever you want us to do.
·        Whoever can melt her feeling is a very lucky guy.
·        She has agreed to wherever the man would bring her.

3. Question words + nouns

Question words + nouns that are used among other things: what time (time), what day (any day), what time (time), what kind (kind), what type (what type), Whose + nouns (ie Whose car, Whose book, ect.), and so on.
Example :
  1. I can’t remember what day we will take the exam.
  2. As long as I am faithful, she doesn’t care what type of family I come from.
  3. Do you know what time it is?
  4. I don’t know whose car is parked in front of my house.

4. Question words + adjectives

Question + words frequently used adjectives such as: how long (how long / long), how far (how far), how old (how old / aged), ect.
Example :
  1. Man! She still looks young. Do you know how old she actually is?
  2. I am lost. Could you tell me how far it is from here to the post office?
  3. What a jerk. He didn’t even ask how long I had been waiting for him.

5. Question words + determiners.

Question determiners + words frequently used are: how many (how many) and how much (how much). Remember: how many plural nouns followed by, while how much uncountable nouns followed by ..
Example :
  1. Is there any correlation between how good he or she is in English and how many books he or she has?
  2. How much your English skill will improve is determined by how hard you practice.

6. Question words + adverbs.

Question words + adverbs are often used is: how Often (how often), how many times (how many times) ect.
Example :
  1. No matter how often I practice, my English still sucks.
  2. I don’t want my parents to know how many times I have left school early.

7. Question words + infinitives.

If the question was immediately followed by infinitives words, it implies invinitives should or can / could. Note that the subject after the question words removed.
Example :
  1. She didn’t know what to do = She didn’t know what she should do.
  2. Please tell me how to get the train station from here = Please tell me how I can get the train station from here.
  3. We haven’t decided when to go to the beach = We haven’t decided when we should go to the beach.
  4. Marry told us where to find her = Marry told us where we could find her.
B. Noun clauses beginning with whether / if

Whether could be followed by the OR / NOT can not; meaning of the sentence is usually the same, although OR / NOT is not mentioned (this depends on the context of the sentence). For use if, in addition to conjunctions discussed topic, the topic was also dealt with conditionals. Note: whether the same pronunciation with the weather (weather), his writing is also similar. Be careful, do not be confused.

Example :

  1. I am not sure whether she is coming or not = I am not sure whether or not she is coming = I am not sure whether she is coming
  2. We can’t decide whether we should go out or stay home. = We can’t decide whether to go or (to) stay home.
  3. I am not sure whether I should take economics or law after I graduate from high school.
  4. If you take economics, I will take economics. On the other hand, if you take law, I will take law too.
C. Noun clauses beginning with that / the fact That
That means that here, while the fact That means the fact that. Meanwhile, that means that the adjective clauses.

Example :
  1. That she has had a PhD degree at the age of 20 surprises a lot of people = It surprises a lot of people that she has had a PhD degree at the age of 20.
  2. It is the fact that the world is round = the fact that the world is round is well known.
  3. It was obvious that she was very sick = The fact that she was very sick was obvious.
  4. It seems that it is going to rain soon.

Sumber : http://swarabhaskara.com/parts-of-speech/noun-clauses/

3 April 2012

TUGAS Bahasa Inggris 2 - Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.

Conditional Sentence Type 1 :

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form : if+simple present,will-future

Example: * If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

                * If my mom give me money, I’ll buy that book.

Conditional Sentence Type 2 :

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form : If+simple past,conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Example: * If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

                * If you invited me, I would come to your house.

Conditional Sentence Type 3 :

→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.

Form : If+past perfect,conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

Example: * If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

                * If I had not gone to Jakarta yesterday, I would not have came late this                   


